余磊-The Light, Mine Eyes, The Darkness

The Light, Mine Eyes, The Darkness油画(布面油画),Georgian Oil + 沙比利木L型装裱,100×120cm,2021Sold

Reportage Creation : The Light代表世上的光,这光不是那光,就像我的摄影术不仅仅依赖于我的肉眼(Mine Eyes)所接受的光,而是借我的肢体、还有单眼摄像术,乃是要为光(公义)做见证,那光是真光,如果没有那真光,犹如闭目在黑暗里、且在黑暗(The Darkness)里行。 The Light represents the light of the world, this light is not that light. Just like my photography does not only depend on the light received by my Mine Eyes, but also on my limbs and monocular photography. As a witness to the light (righteousness), that light is the true light. Without that true light, it is like closing eyes in the darkness and walking in the darkness.

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